The most distinguishable feature of TOPFLYTECH GPS trackers is the unique designs. The designs referred to herein is not only what it looks like as the case designed, but sophisticated ideas in customizing the unique PCBs, based on which regular claimed features could be actualized and improved under controllable ethod. Without technical constraints in collecting and integrating outsourced developed functional modules into products, superior features and stability is well guaranteed.

● Low power consumption feature. This is not an attention-attracted feature but basic for a tracker. A testing to check the figure is so much welcomed.

● Low GPRS traffic. This is key feature in consistent service of tracking after hardware sold, may impact your profits much. It benefits your business in huge.

● Firmware upgraded Over The Air (FOTA). An important feature, which brings obvious and direct benefits to all tracking service providers in [1] saving labor cost and time, and [2] increasing service level.
Anyway, FOTA feature claimed as it is true on a product doesn’t really mean it achieve above mentioned benefits already. Since an amendable upgrades of firmware requires hardware supplier get in issue and understand well if reason on hardware part. FOTA should not be a time and cost taken feature. In past of years of business, efficient FOTA is a way brings more enthusiasm and confidence to our customers.

There is not boundary-line for TOPFLYTECH products. TOPFLYTECH believes business keeps good and healthy based on consistent and dynamic improvement and upgrades on product. This doesn’t simply mean modifications on current products, but also new generation, and new category of product developed.

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