
Producto | Rastreador OBDII 4G de la serie TLD2

Nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de nuestro rastreador OBDII de segunda generación, la serie TLD2. Siempre hemos estado pensando en…

4 years ago

Product | TLD2 Series 4G OBDII Tracker

We are glad to announce the release of our 2nd Gen OBDII tracker, the TLD2 series. We’ve always been thinking…

4 years ago

产品 | TLD2 系列 4G OBDII 追踪器

我们很高兴地宣布发布我们的第二代 OBDII 跟踪器 TLD2 系列。 我们一直在思考 OBDII 追踪器还有什么可以改进的地方,以最大限度地发挥其全部潜力和功能。 因此,我们的 OBDII 跟踪器添加了一些特殊功能。 实时和缓冲位置消息、不同的报告间隔以及移动和静止的警报。 -CAN-BUS 数据读取,如 VIN、里程表、点火、燃油油位和消耗、RPM、节气门位置、进气状态、DTC 等(在 TLD2-D 上可用) -6 轴加速度计,用于高精度驾驶行为检测,包括急加速、制动和转弯。…

4 years ago

Integracion | Monitor

Monitor es una de las primeras plataformas de seguimiento que ha integrado completamente todas las soluciones de TOPFLYtech. Acaban de…

4 years ago

Integration | Monitor

Monitor is one of the first tracking platform that has fully integrated all TOPFLYtech’s solution. They just finished integrating our…

4 years ago

整合 | 监控

Monitor 是第一个完全集成所有 TOPFLYtech 解决方案的跟踪平台之一。 他们刚刚完成了我们新发布的资产跟踪器 TLW2-12B 的集成。 很快就会意识到在他们的平台上进行测试时,他们已经完成了一项整洁、详细和专业的工作。 非常感谢 Monitor 为我们的客户提供良好的服务以及与我们的出色团队合作。 在寻找跟踪平台合作伙伴时,绝对值得您考虑。

4 years ago

Certification | TLP2-SFB

To our #Australia and #Europe market, we gladly announce that #TOPFLYtech’s TLP2-SFB solar asset tracker with BLE 5.0 passed the…

4 years ago

Product | TLP2-SFB Solar Powered Tracker with BLE

TOPFLYtech’s newly released TLP2-SFB large solar powered asset tracker with BLE for dry trailers and containers not only provides real…

4 years ago

AT&T Certified | TLP1 series

It’s delightful to share with you that all 3 models of TOPFLYtech’s TLP1 series portable trackers have been certified by #AT&T recently,…

5 years ago

Feature | Driving Behaviour

Do you know that 84.6% of traffic accidents are caused by reckless driving? Bad driving behaviours can cause accidents, increase…

5 years ago