In the upcoming MWC 2019 Los Angeles, we’ll present you a range of newly designed trackers. You’ll be seeing not only our renovated asset tracker TLP1, which improved its flexibility by featuring portable magnets and changed into a white colour to be more adaptive to the sun, but also the second generation of our well received hardwired TLW2 and solar powered tracker TLP2.
The TLW2 features BLE 5.0 for a distant connection and a large rechargeable built-in battery. If it is installed on a large trailer, it could be recharged when towed and stay on for very long period of 40 days unplugged with reporting every 5 minutes.
After months of hard work and dedication from our R&D team and weeks of testings, these devices are now ready to show good quality and increase your cost efficiency. They are highly differentiated, designed specifically for certain types of needs which takes up a huge percentage of market ratio. Please come and check them out at our booth (LACC South Hall Booth 2414) in MWC Los Angeles 2019.