An easy use but powerful mobile application is key for user to have new experience of tracking service. An easy use tracking app is able to present full various information in logic layout within a limited space, while user could source any information of tracked item as he wants without confusion.

Taking photo of tracked item provides a quick for identification to avoid mistakes.

Simply click an icon could achieve security features armed without memorizing and put in format of commands, such as cases of vehicle towed away, unknown ignition powered on, tracked item run away a distance, etc. Not either put in commands to disarm, but by click of the icon.

From such literal to real-time tracking section,there are ways for quick switch.

More than regular tracking, zoom in Augmented reality mode, the apps is able to shows you right direction of tracked item, providing a quick guide head to and find out the tracked item. Never be confused to where your car, pet or kid exactly is.

Journey reports provides you overviews of history of tracked item. And overviews could be zoomed in to details, if you want.

Without investing much have a full set of fuel detection equipment, the app is able to provides a reference of fuel consumption.

The app provides friendly interfaces for regular operations like changing password, editing account, setting alert numbers and emails, and even configure APN details, etc.

Let the complications aside with TOPFLYTECH, and keep applications in a easy way.