It’s delightful to share with you that TOPFLYtech’s TLD2 series LTEM OBDII trackers have been certified by #PTCRB recently, followed by #FCC, CE and RCM. In other words, these models have been tested and approved by multiple official standards in USA, Europe and Australia.
TLD2 Features:
-Real time & buffer location messages, different reporting intervals and alerts for moving and standing still.
-CAN-BUS data reading such as VIN, odometer, ignition, fuel level and consumption, RPM, throttle position, air intake status, DTC, etc. (available on TLD2-D)
-6-axis accelerometer for driving behaviour detection in high accuracy, including harsh acceleration, braking, turning and crash.
-Internal buzzer for warning drivers when harsh driving behaviour occurs.
-Global 4G bands supporting makes global operation easier.
-BLE 5.0 for a wider connection range with our BLE sensors: TSTH1-B (temp& humi), TSDT1-B (door & temp) and TSR1-B (wireless relay)
#TOPFLYtech #gpstracker #iot #OBDIItracking #4Gtrack #fleetmanagement