
TLD2 Series | The Next Generation of OBDII Tracker

The Plug & Play OBDII tracker with CAN BUS reading for tracking vehicles and providing insight vehicle data such as ignition, VIN, odometer, fuel level, etc. When working with BLE sensors it can monitor the temperature, humidity, door status, etc. It’s a vehicle tracker that requires no installation and maintenance, but offers powerful functions. 

Based on the 1st gen OBDII tracker, after our practical marketing experience and in-depth discussion with users, we made some huge improvements and renovation to enable better features to satisfy more potential market needs. The most obvious example is that the next gen OBDII tracker can alert drivers with its inbuilt buzzer when harsh driving events occur, which was detected by a 6-axis accelerometer in high accuracy. Further more it supports global bands for easier international operations.


-Real time & buffer location messages, different reporting intervals and alerts for moving and standing still.

-CAN-BUS data reading such as VIN, odometer, ignition, fuel level and consumption, RPM, throttle position, air intake status, DTC, etc. (available on TLD2-D)

-6-axis accelerometer for driving behaviour detection in high accuracy, including harsh acceleration, braking, turning and crash.

-Internal buzzer for warning drivers when harsh driving behaviour occurs.

-Global 4G bands supporting makes global operation easier.

-BLE 5.0 for a wider connection range with our BLE sensors: TSTH1-B (temp& humi), TSDT1-B (door & temp) and TSR1-B (wireless relay)

#TOPFLYtech #4GLTE #CAT-M1 #LTEM GPSTracking #GPSTracker #OBDIITracker #4GTrackers #Tracer #Tracking #Fleetmanagement #drivingbehaviour #CANBUS #BLESensors


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